Quicky – Day 47 or 84

Last night, we had Chicken Vegetable and Noodle soup for dinner (homemade with a little effort from everyone).


While it was cooking, I got my hair dyed, and CHOPPED OFF.


It is very short.

Today my Dad heard “This doesn’t look good” from the doctor.

Now I am going to get my Implanon taken out.



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4 responses to “Quicky – Day 47 or 84

  1. Your hair is fantastic what a change :). Hope the proceedure goes well and that your dads news is manageable.

    Don’t you feel proud of yourself for keeping on exercising and eating right when there’s bad news in your life? It doesn’t actually make sense to take such things out on your body.

    Pigging out on junk does not make you a caring friend, daughter, girlfriend or sister. When I used to go through rough times I used to eat and booze up big, every time I get through something these days without doing it I congratulate myself.

    So congratulations Nicky. I think this is a breakthrough.

  2. Ditto all Jamie said! You look gorgeous. And I hope like hell your Dad is going to be OK.

  3. wifey2b

    Your hair looks great. I hope your Dad is ok!

  4. WAH I wish you’d always just blog in the one place :).


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